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Whole Beef Tenderloin 4.5 lbs - Whiffletree Farm

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Located locally in Warrenton, Virginia, Liz and Jesse Straight raise their animals on a natural diet of grass, bugs, and non-GMO feed. All products are free from MSG, chemical preservatives, nitrates, and phosphates. Animals are moved to new pastures routinely, ensuring new feed and fresh grass.

The Tenderloin Filet, AKA Filet Mignon, is a part of the short loin. It is arguably apart of the most tender area of the steer since this region acquires minimal movement. It's considered one of the most highly prized steaks due to its fork-tender finish and mild flavor profile. Although the steak is a tad more expensive due to it's rarity of only containing 2 to 3% of the total animal, it's totally worth it. Perfect for a special occasion meal.

Whiffletree - Warrenton, VA

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