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Bananas - Organic, Fair Trade
1 bunch
Go Bananas with this bunch! Certified Fair Trade & Organic through Equal Exchange & CEPIBO. By choosing these bananas, you’ll be supporting farmers who naturally enhance the health of their soil through sustainable practices and work to encourage biodiversity on their land.
Equal Exchange & CEPIBO working with 7 different farmer associations with a total of 800 families operating 900 hectares of land across northern Peru. All land is owned by the farmers themselves who are paid above the minimum Fair Trade price per box. In addition to owning their own land, farmers now also own the cooperative and all decision making is done democratically allowing each farmer to have representation. The transition has prompted production improvements including the building of three new packing stations greatly increasing efficiency and capacity. CEPIBO continues to use their fair price and premium to improve operations, communities, and livelihoods for their members and the members' families.