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[DEPOSIT ONLY] Whole Leg of Lamb 6-8 lbs. - Whiffletree Farm


12 ounces

Tender and flavorful, a grass fed whole leg of lamb is the ultimate celebratory roast perfect for Easter holiday meal.

You will be charged a $30 non-refundable deposit to reserve your Whole Leg of Lamb.
The final price will be calculated upon delivery at $20.00/lb minus your $30 deposit.

Your leg of lamb will be delivered on Sunday, March 24, 2024.

Tender and flavorful, a grass fed whole leg of lamb is the ultimate celebratory roast perfect for Easter holiday meal.

You will be charged a $30 non-refundable deposit to reserve your Whole Leg of Lamb.
The final price will be calculated upon delivery at $20.00/lb minus your $30 deposit.

Your leg of lamb will be delivered on Sunday, March 24, 2024.

Whiffletree - Warrenton, VA

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