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Pork Breakfast Sausage Links, 7ct - J&L

$12.99 $11.49

12-18lb 16 ounces

Pairs splendidly with a size of fried eggs, biscuits, and toast!

J&L Green Farm raises pastured poultry, grass-fed and grass-finished beef, and forested pork, in which hogs are rotated through wooded areas during the last third of their lives, foraging on land unsuited for other agricultural endeavors. Their animals are humanely raised and handled, eating an all-natural diet and living stress-free lives on the 200-acre farm. J&L Green Farm also supports neighboring mission-driven farms to offer pastured eggs, organic produce, and more.

Pairs splendidly with a size of fried eggs, biscuits, and toast! Approximately 4oz each. 4 per package. Delivered frozen to ensure freshness.
J&L Green Farm - Edinburg, VA

Frozen to preserve freshness. Keep frozen until ready to eat.

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