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Bloomy Breeze, Pasteurized Aged Cow Cheese

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2019 World Cheese Award Super Gold Winner

A perfect blend of fresh milk from Jersey and Holstein cows makes for this rich, luscious, soft-ripened favorite. Aged first for three weeks, then wrapped and aged for another month. Its edible rind is velvety white and bloomy. Hence the name. And the widespread adoration.

Lactic, dense and buttery with sweet and milky notes

Creamy, smooth and rich, Bloomy Breeze brings out the acidity of white wines

Mild and approachable, perfect for cheese lovers of all ages

Slice and melt on a sandwich, use in a quiche or brush with butter and bake at 350°F until soft

Try pairing with a Chardonnay or late-harvest Reisling and a baguette

Serve on a cheeseboard with candied nuts, dried fruit or pepper jelly and charcuterie

Firefly Farm - Accident, MD

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